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Monday, 2 January 2012

How to Lose Weight - The Basics of Weight Loss

At it's most basic, losing weight is about burning more calories than you eat. That seems simple enough, but if were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem. Too often we take drastic measures to see results -- diets, pills or those weird fitness gadgets on infomercials that promise instant success. Maybe you lose weight but what happens when you go off that diet or stop that crazy workout program? You gain it all back and more. The real secret to weight loss is to make small, lasting changes. The key is to forget about instant results and settle in for the long run.
Rules of Weight Loss
To lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories over and above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and you certainly wouldn't want to try to burn 3500 calories in one day. However, by taking it step-by-step, you can determine just what you need to do each day to burn or cut out those extra calories. Below is a step by step process for getting started.
  1. Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). YourBMR is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat each day. Keep in mind that no calculator will be 100% accurate, so you may need to adjust these numbers as you learn more about your own metabolism.
  2. Calculate your activity level. For a week or so, keep an activity journal and use a calorie calculator to figure out how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. Another, easier option is to wear a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you burn each day.
  3. Keep track of how many calories you eat . For at least a week, enter and track your calories online (e.g., with Calorie Count ) or use a food journal  to write down what you eat and drink each day. Be as accurate as possible, measuring when you need to or looking up nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out. After a week, add your totals for each day and average them out to get a general idea of how many calories you eat each day.
  4. Add it up. Take your BMR number and add your activity calories. Then subtract your food calories from that total. If you're eating more than your BMR + your activity calories, you're at risk for gaining weight.
Mary's BMR is 1400 calories and she burns 900 calories with regular exercise, walking around and doing household chores. To maintain her weight, she should be eating 2300 calories (1400 + 900= 2300). However, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she's eating 2550 calories every day. By eating 250 more calories than her body needs, Mary will gain about a pound every 2-3 weeks.
This example shows how easy it is to gain weight without even knowing it. However, it's also easy to lose weight, even if the process itself can be slow. You can start by making small changes in your diet and activity levels and immediately start burning more calories than you're eating. If you can find a way to burn an extra 200 to 500 calories each day with both exercise and diet, you're on the right track. Try these ideas:

Instead of...Do this...
An afternoon CokeDrink a glass of water. (calories saved: 97)
An Egg McMuffinEat a small whole wheat bagel +1 Tbsp of peanut butter (calories saved: 185)
Using your break eat sweetsWalk up and down a flight of stairs for 10 minutes (calories burned: 100)
Hitting the snooze buttonGet up 10 minutes early and go for a brisk walk (calories burned: 100)
Watching TV after workDo 10 minutes of yoga (calories burned: 50)

Total Calories Saved: 532 (based on a 140-pound person)

Sunday, 1 January 2012

how to setup video ad unit in google adsense

Yesterday I wrote about the launch of Google AdSense video units, but like I said, no one with an AdSense account was able to use the feature yet. As of last night that changed.
Here is a how to, on setting up Google AdSense Video Units via YouTube.
Step 1: Go to your AdSense Set Up Page and click on the YouTube (Video Units) option as pointed out in the image below:
Setting Up Google AdSense Video (YouTube) Ads
Step 2: Agree to legal disclaimer (first time only):
Setting Up Google AdSense Video (YouTube) Ads
Step 3: Confirm your AdSense account with YouTube (first time only). You are taken to YouTube after you agree to the disclaimer. This is where you plugin your AdSense account information, so YouTube and AdSense can communicate.
Setting Up Google AdSense Video (YouTube) Ads
Step 4: When that is done, it should tell you they have associated your account with YouTube.
Setting Up Google AdSense Video (YouTube) Ads
Step 5: Then you set up your first player. You define the player name and description, the layout and the colors also.
Setting Up Google AdSense Video (YouTube) Ads
Step 6: Define the content matching options. You can let Google figure out your content and provide relevant video ads, or you can help with hints or by specifying the content you want on your site.
Setting Up Google AdSense Video (YouTube) Ads
Step 7:Then you just click the generate ad code:
Setting Up Google AdSense Video (YouTube) Ads
Paste the code into your page, like I did here below and you should see an add related to search stuff.
The next time you go to your Google AdSense set up page and click on video units, you will be taken to a page that shows you your old units and gives you the ability to create new ones or remove old ones.
Setting Up Google AdSense Video (YouTube) Ads
That pretty much is the detailed walk through of how to set up Google AdSense Video Units for the first time.


How Do I Hide Your Friends on Facebook?

How to Hide Facebook Friends from Timeline
Follow the steps below and you are done. This tutorial is only for Facebook Timeline profiles and not for the old version of Facebook profiles.
  • Open your Facebook profile.
how to hide friends on facebook
  • Click on Friends section on your Facebook Timeline.
  • Click on “Custom” button and select only those friends whom you want to see at your Facebook profile.
Now, you are done. From now, you will see updates on your profile from those Facebook friends you have selected in the above step.Unselected users will not appear on your profile.


Friday, 23 December 2011

How to get relief from the sore throat

How to get relief from the sore throat

Winter is one of the most beautiful periods of the year, but at the same time it could be really dangerous to our health. Sore throats are quite common and almost always a non threatening condition. But still it can be really painful, uncomfortable and cause a great discomfort.
In fact a sore throat is a visible inflammation or redness of the tissues and it makes eating and swallowing quite excruciating. Still it can clear up on its own in several days without any particular treatment, unless it’s something more than just a soar throat; in that case it’s better to consult the doctor. There are several ways to ease discomfort and give some relief by natural remedies.
-          First of all you should exclude from your menu hot, fried, heavily salted and spicy dishes.
-          Especially useful in this period are kissel, porridge (oatmeal) and mashed potatoes, vegetable sauce or fruit sauce. Soups are also may play their role, but what important here is that they should be warm, but not hot.
-          It is important to drink more (not less than 2.5 liters a day).
-          Warm milk with honey can turned out to be the best cure for you.
-          Take 3 fig berries and dip them in a glass of boiling milk, cook it for 10 minutes. You should drink it warm but not hot.
-          Take one teaspoon of linden flowers and a glass of hot water, infuse it. Keep it that way for 20 minutes, filter it, and then add a teaspoon of honey. You should drink a quarter of the cup three times a day.
-          Another remedy is a tea made with lemon, honey, apple, cayenne and cider vinegar. Add 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, the juice of 1/4 lemon, one teaspoon of honey and a pinch of cayenne pepper to a cup of hot water and then stir it. It’s suggested to take 4 cups a day.
-          You can also use different gargles. The most effective are the salt water gargle and gargle with mint mouthwash.
-          It’s useful to brush your tongue, since removing the buildup on your tongue you can lessen the soreness in your throat.
-          Sitting in a steamy shower or bath can also ease the effect of soar throat.
-          It’s better to avoid cigarette smoke.

how to get enhanced digestive system

How to get enhanced digestive tract

You can’t even imagine how important digestive tract for your health is. Care about it will make you feel much better.  This is sad but many people suppose that taste must be satisfied at all costs and sacrifice digestive system to taste. You should follow the recommendations below to have good digestive health.
1. The choice of products plays the most important role. You should choose high quality foods. Cook using fresh products only. Healthy mix of foods makes the organism self-healing.
2. Right chewing is essential. This is the stage number one in digestion. You do not only break down big chunks of food when you chew, you stimulate the saliva flow mixing it with food. Enzymes start digesting carbohydrates and attack bacteria too.
3. Water is very good for your health, and you should care about it but all is good in right time. You should not drink water during meals – this is not good for your digestion because water dilutes your saliva. Therefore you should drink water half an hour before meals and one hour after meals.
4. You should have enough dietary fiber in your nutrition. Eat fruit, legumes, beans to get it.
5. Eat whole foods, the ones that were not processed. For instance, if you eat an apple this is healthier food than apple juice. Organic foods are better for your digestion. Foods must be close to the way they look originally.
6. Fruit should not be eaten as dessert after big meal. The matter is that you can make fruit useless when you eat fruit with other foods. All kinds of fruit are low in protein and therefore should not be mixed with foods that contain protein. Foods with protein stay long in the stomach because it takes much longer for your stomach to break the protein. Fruit become rotten during this time bringing you harm. Eat fruit on an empty stomach.
7. If you want to have proper digestion you should relax after big meal. Do not spend energy on other muscles and let digestive organs receive their portion of blood. When you move you do not let your body work in a right way.


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please be patient
and sorry for that
regards: malik haseeb(carelexx malik)