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Showing posts with label blogger tips and trick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogger tips and trick. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 February 2012



Whos.Amung.Us is a free real-time stats and visitor counter that you can easily install into your blog,website or social network profile. Simply paste the html code donated on the homepage of their site into your blog and you’re done.
There is also a pro account available for lots more detailed stats, from around $5 a month.
Get Whos.Amung.Us  for your blog!

StatCounter ScreenShotImage Credit: StatCounter 
Stat Counter offers an accurate, real-time web tracking counter that can easily be installed into yourwebsite or blog using html code. Above all it’s completely free to use.
Stat counter features the option of using an invisible counter as well as configurable counter and summary stats.
Get Stat Counter  for your blog!

HiStats ScreenShotImage credit: HiStats 

Another popular blog stat counter is this one; HiStats is very easy to install as you register, pick a counter style and paste the code and you’re done. There are over 800 counter styles to choose from.
Here are some of the reasons why HiStats is one of my top choices! It’s 100% free, it offers statistics in real-time, it’ password protected and offers clear and relevant data, graphs plus much more.
Get HiStats  for your blog!


SiteMeter is probably the most widely used stats counter for bloggers and web publishers alike. There is a free service and premium service to choose from; the free service allows you to simply register and place the tracking code into your blog.
The free features include visitors, page views per hour and per day as well as data from over longer periods of time.
Get SiteMeter  for your blog!


pMetric ScreenShotImage credit: pMetrics 

If you’re looking for more detailed data on each visitor to your blog or website then pMetric is the one for you. Features include; unique visitor detail, IP addresses, track outbound links anddownloads; mobile hardware reporting, Twitter analytics and much, much more.
To register is easy; however their registration page currently states that they cannot accept sites that receive more than 500,000 daily page views! Which I’m sure in most cases for many of us that won’t be an issue.
Get pMetrics  for your blog!

IceRocket BlogTracker

IceRocket BlogTracker is another reliable invisible web stats tracker. The service or product is completely ad free and free to use. Simply register, install the code and you’re done. You can later analyse the data and monitor visits to your blog.
Get IceRocket BlogTracker!  for your blog!


This is another one of my top favourite free blog counters. Easy installation again and can generate data such as individual visitor data, referrals, page views, daily forecasts and much more.
Registration is free and simple with 24 counter styles to choose from.
Get BlogPatrol!  for your blog!
So there you have it, a site stat counter to suit every taste. I’m sure I’ve probably missed out a few so let us know about them in the comments section below.

Saturday, 4 February 2012


Saturday, 28 January 2012


Round Your Image Corners

or URL:

This widget is a coutesy of roundpic.
© 2011 - 2012 tvtvfree. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, 27 January 2012


Custom Facebook like box - v2 


Please note that in the demo of v2 like box the text Visit the Fanpage » has been moved little to right side automatically but it works perfectly when you add it in your blog.You can see live demo on my test blog.

How To Add Custom Facebook Like Box-V2 To Your Blog?

  • Go to Blogger Dashboard > Design > Edit Layout.
  • Choose Add A Gadget > HTML/JavaScript.
  • Paste below code after making changes then save it.

font: bold 11px Verdana;
padding:3px !important;
margin:5px 0px!important;
border:2px solid #ff0000;
border:2px solid #0000FF;

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">FB.init("");</script>
<fb:fan profile_id="153138708123803" stream="0" connections="10" width="320px" height="200px" header="0" logobar="0" css=""></fb:fan>
<div id="mbtlikebox"><a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none; color:#365899;" href="">Visit the Fanpage »</a><div style="float:right"><a href='' style="text-decoration:none; color:#365899;">Widgets »</a></div></div>

  • Now replace 232452756809175 with your facebook profile ID (Note - If you don't know ID then click here to get ID)
  • Change with your facebook fan page address.
  • To change  number of faces,width and height find this 
    connections="10" width="320px" height="200px" 
  • To change the color of bottom box edit CSS in code.
  • Note - I have highlighted two codes like this width="320px" - they should be same....


Tvtvfree Add To Blogger Button Creator

Enter Widget Title

Enter Your Blog Url

Enter Your Logo Image Logo Url

Paste The Widget Content Value (HTML/Javascript)

Copy The Form & Paste In Post 


Follow Me On TwitterYou must have seen the Follow Me on Twitter link which remains on its place even if you scroll the page. Its a great way to get many followers on Twitter as your blog readers are likely to follow you on Twitter if they like your posts. So you get many new followers on Twitter and you don't even have to try hard for it. Doesn't it sound interesting??

I have created a Blogger Widget/Gadget/Plugin or whatever you like to call it which will add a Follow Me on Twitter link on your blog. Check the pic below or check the Demo

Twitter Widget

To add this Widget to your Blogger Blog, Click on the Add Twitter Widget button given below. You will reach a page with title Add Page Element. There you will see Select A Blog option. Choose your blog and keep the Title empty. Just below it you will see Edit Content. On clicking it you will see some code. 

Important : Find in it and replace carelexxmalik with your Twitter Username.


  1. Use the Accordion plugin in jQuery UI to create an Apple-alike WordPress sidebar.
    apple flashy wordpress sidebar 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  2. Adding Tabs To Sidebar 

    Creating tabs on WordPress sidebar with Yahoo! UI Library 
    sidebartabs 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  3. Sidebar With Dynamic Contents 

    Every blog visitor has different habits, but many tend to ignore sidebars because they are always the same. Mixing things up and keeping the contents of the sidebar relevant to the post can make them a bit more likely to be noticed.
  4. Allow Users To Submit Blog Post 

    This plugin allows you to add highly customisable forms to your website that allows non-registered users and/or subscribers (also configurable) to submit posts.
    submit news 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  5. Paginated Comments 

    Give you the ability to break your comments into a number of search engine optimized pages.
    paginated comments 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  6. Image Caption 

    Extracts the title or alt attribute from images within your blog post and generates a neat caption directly underneath those images. Supports custom CSS styling for captions.
    image caption 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  7. Random Redirect 

    Allows you to create a link to which will redirect someone to a random post on your blog, in a StumbleUpon-like fashion.
  8. Google Syntax Highlighter For WordPress 

    Easily integrates the Google Syntax Highlighter by Alex Gorbatchev  into WordPress. Image below show how codes look like in WordPress with Google Syntax Highlighter.
    google syntax highlighter 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  9. Facelift Image Replacement (FLIR) For WordPress 

    FLIR allows you to convert text and title into images (better display quality) on the fly without hassle. Now this FLIR WordPress plugin make things even easier for bloggers.
  10. Del.Icio.Us For WordPress for WordPress displays your latest bookmarks in your WordPress blog.
  11. Create Your Own PopURLs Within WordPress  

    Like the way how PopURL display contents? Now you can create similar inside WordPress.
    my popurl 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  12. Exclude Certain Categories From Being Displayed 

    2 ways to hide posts from certain categories to be displayed on the blog. You can either put this code inside the loop 
    1. <?php  
    2. if ( have_posts() ) : query_posts($query_string .'&cat=-1,-2'); while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();  
    3. ?>  
    or you can use Advanced Category Excluder .
  13. Another Date Image Hack  

  14. Create a calendar view of your article post date.
    post date 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  15. Styling Individual Posts 

    Styling one post a little different from the rest with the use of the_ID.
  16. How To Avoid Duplicate Posts 

    Duplicated contents are pretty bad and they somehow affects how search engine weights your site. Here’s how you can avoid getting duplicated contents on your blog.
  17. WordPress ‘Page Redirect‘ Template 

    This template lets you specify a single URL as the page content, then as the page loads, the template automatically redirects the page to this new location, and that includes category or any tag pages you specify.
  18. Delicious Save Buttons 

    Add badges that encourage people to bookmark your website or blog
  19. DesignFloat Buttons, Website & Blog Integration 

    Give your website or blog visitors the option to submit your stories to Design Float and "Float" them
    float button 01 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks
    1. <script type="text/javascript">submit_url = 'Your URL Here';</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  
    float button 02 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks
    1. <script type="text/javascript">submit_url = 'Your URL Here';</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  
    Read here  for more.
  20. StumbleUpon Buttons & Tools 

    Add a Stumble It! button to your site to make it easy for your visitors to submit your content to StumbleUpon.
    stumbleupon 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  21. Dynamic Highlight Menu

    This allows you to theme/style and control the currently selected menu tab in CSS by adding aclass="current" on it.
    1. <ul id="nav">  
    2.   <li<?php if ( is_home() || is_category() || is_archive() || is_search() || is_single() || is_date() ) { echo ' class="current"'; } ?>><a href="#">Gallery</a></li>  
    3.   <li<?php if ( is_page('about') ) { echo ' class="current"'; } ?>><a href="#">About</a></li>  
    4.   <li<?php if ( is_page('submit') ) { echo ' class="current"'; } ?>><a href="#">Submit</a></li>  
    5. </ul>      
    Line 2:
    If Home, or Category, or Archive, or Search or Single page is selected, class="current" will be included in <li>
    Line 3,4:
    If Page with page slug about or submit is highlighted, class="current" is added.
    If you are looking at putting categories as menu tabs, here’s how to make the menu dynamic:
    1. <ul id="nav">  
    2.   <li<?php if ( is_category('css') ) { echo ' class="current"'; } ?>><a href="#">CSS</a></li>  
    3.   <li<?php if ( is_category(showcase) ) { echo ' class="current"'; } ?>><a href="#">Showcase</a></li>  
    4. </ul>  
    Line 2,3
    If category with category slug of css or showcaseclass="current" is added.
  22. DZone Buttons

    Let your website’s users vote for our links on DZone without leaving your site.
    dzone01 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks
    1. <script type="text/javascript">var dzone_url = '[url]';</script><script type="text/javascript">var dzone_title = '[title]';</script><script type="text/javascript">var dzone_blurb = '[description]';</script><script type="text/javascript">var dzone_style = '1';</script><script language="javascript" src=""></script>  
    dzone02 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks
    1. <script type="text/javascript">var dzone_url = '[url]';</script><script type="text/javascript">var dzone_title = '[title]';</script><script type="text/javascript">var dzone_blurb = '[description]';</script><script type="text/javascript">var dzone_style = '2';</script><script language="javascript" src=""></script>  
  23. Reddit Buttons

    Similar to the rest, place a reddit button on your site to promote blog post.
    reddit01 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks
    1. <script type='text/javascript'>reddit_url='[URL]'</script><script type='text/javascript'>reddit_title='[TITLE]'</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  
    reddit02 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks
    1. <script type='text/javascript'>reddit_url='[URL]'</script><script type='text/javascript'>reddit_title='[TITLE]'</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  
    reddit03 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks
    1. <script type='text/javascript'>reddit_url='[URL]'</script><script type='text/javascript'>reddit_title='[TITLE]'</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>  
  24. Archive That Works 

    Noura of shows various ways you can style your WordPress Archive page. Techniques and guides includes:
    • Listing all Posts
    • Display monthly or Yearly Archive
    • Archives Ordered By Category
  25. Add Breadcrumbs To Your WordPress Blog 

    Breadcrumb trails are a good supplementary navigation system that aid in site usability. This plugin allows you to add breadcrumbs to your theme.
    breadcrumb 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks
  26. Landing Sites / Pages 

    When visitors is referred to your site from a search engine, they are definitely looking for something specific – often they just roughly check the page they land on and then closes the window if what they are looking for isn’t there. Why not help them by showing them related posts to their search on your blog?
  27. WordPress Exploit Scanner 

    This WordPress plugin searches the files on your site for a few known strings sometimes used by hackers, and lists them with code fragments taken from the files. It also makes a few checks of the database, looking at the active_plugins blog option, the comments table, and the posts table.
  28. Buy Me A Beer 

    Allows your readers to donate money to you via PayPal. Not something new, but worth knowing.
    donate plugin 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  29. Display Feedburner Subscriber Count In Text

    How to display feedburner subscriber count in text instead of using chiklets.
    feed in tex 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks
  30. Notifixious – Notify Users Via IM 

    This plugin allows you to notify your readers on their Instant Messaging (AIM, MSN, GTalk, ICQ…), Email or SMS when you publish new posts.
  31. Installing Xampp And WordPress 

    Guide to setup Xampp and run WordPress locally on your machine. You can also install plugins, upgrade to the latest nightly and virtually anything else confident in the knowledge that if it goes wrong, there is no impact on your actual site.
    xampp on wordpress 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks 
  32. Create An Ajax-Based Auto-Completing Search Field 

    Why not helping your visitors to find what they’re looking for on your blog, by using a cool auto-completion on your search field?
    automcompletion wordpress 30+ (More) Most Wanted Wordpress Tips, Tricks and Hacks