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Showing posts with label custom template tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label custom template tricks. Show all posts

Thursday, 26 July 2012

add stylish labels in blogger

In this tutorial you will see how to customize blogger labels with CSS3. The default Label gadget provided by Blogger has some customization options but doesn't provide much control over the Design aspect. We will apply this hack using pure CSS3 .This stylish labels widget really attract your readers.

Labels Widget Demo

Live Demo

How to customize Blogger labels

  • First you have to edit some settings on your widget as shown below and then save the widget
    Widget Title:

  • Now click on Add to blogger button shown below    


This widget is made by and i reshared on latesthack

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

custom 404 page design for blogger with tutorial

"The 404 or Not Found error message is a HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server, but the server could not find what was requested." In simple words the page that will be displayed when the actual page is not found is called a 404 Error Page. Till now Blogger’s error page was a plain old design with more of orange in it and was not customizable. Now Blogger Error pages use the same template . This would help template designers in making up custom 404 Pages.This tutorial will help you in setting up a Custom 404 page for your Blog.
By Default, your Blogger Error page will display this error message

Tuesday, 17 July 2012


Add a search engine in the sidebar of your blogger blog. This searches all the posts on your blog, and displays them by latest posts first. Inside the search bar you will find the text "Search this Site", this can easily be changed to any text you desire. Such as "Search my Site", "Search", "Type and Hit Enter", etc. Just simply replace the code. You can also change the text "Go" on the button to something like "Search", "Find", etc.